A Beginner's Guide To Being A Bitch Hermit

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Sat Jan 28, 2023 11:02 pm

justanothercamgirl;2516378 wrote:This is a super old video, but I thought all my anxious camgirl sistas could use the laugh. ;D


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Sat Jan 28, 2023 11:04 pm

Juliette25;2516434 wrote:LOL very relevant to my life.
cherryblossomsinspring;2516444 wrote:Win!! This is so me. I just received my food delivery today and the guy knocked and I told him" can you just stack it outside the door and then I'll come out to sign?" lol. Hhaha I grabbed my stuff in all crazy trying to make sure no neighbor saw me grabbing all of those bags. I'm an online order junkie now. Can't get enough of ebay and "bill me later" lol.
Nina_Den;2516445 wrote:[ATTACH=CONFIG]34436[/ATTACH]

That's... too accurate.
Graceface;2516665 wrote:LMAO! Totally reminds me of this:

http://blip.tv/illwillpress/germaine-s- ... el-3629443
xxxGothBarbie;2516667 wrote:I can't believe how much of a hermit I've turned into over the past few months LOL I literally hate going anywhere unless it's out of this shit hole city
CanadianRuby;2516921 wrote:Glad im not the only one that stays indoors a lot lol. I get VERY anxious going outside alone. I dont like interacting with people face to fax haha. Maybe thats a common them for cam girls?

I have social anxiety @.@
cherryblossomsinspring;2516948 wrote:^ me too.. If I leave out to do any shopping it's usually between 12am-6am only. lol All my checks are deposited within those hours. I can't stand going into the branch because where i live people actually want to chat you up in there. What do you do?? Where are you going?? Wow you look nice, Where did you get those shoes??"

The only thing that frustrates me is men in convenience stores between those hours always play stupid games to keep me in the store longer. Like I just came in for gateorade yet the guy tries to pretend he needs to sweep at that very moment. No one is in the store but me. When a man shows up he stops what he's doing and rings the guy up right away. Some stores I don't even go into because of this very issue. Or the weird guy that acts like he has no clue what I'm asking him to get on the shelf even though I do this 3 times a week for the last 3-5 years. I noticed I started pressing the counter hard trying to find a BAN button. lol

Another time one of those clerks tried to hug me in the store. I jumped back and was like excuse me???!!! He's like ooh I'm sorry I just thought... ring my stuff up now!

I now do the "pretend you're on the phone". I actually had some clerk say " who are you talking to??" Umm wtf?? People and boundaries seems to be way off after midnight. I now wait some days until 5:30am because I know there are alot of men coming in and out of the this particular store going off to work. That annoying needy clerk doesn't have time to play dumb because they'll be waiting in line behind me:) It always works to get him to umm do his job.
Nina_Den;2517006 wrote:^ I encounter this problem more than anywhere else whenever I go waxing/get my nails done etc.
I dread these forced conversations which, depending on the time I spend in the beauty salon, can last over an hour. Having to lie, to fake a normal life... "So what are you studying? What's your job?" etc. etc., every single time. Sometimes I won't even go there just because I dread this so much. I don't know why, but it drains me out of energy.
Glamourmilf;2516999 wrote:^^^ I recently have started carrying a magazine, or book with me, which is open, so people don't talk to me. (This works well while waiting in lines, elevators, etc.)
I am usually so talked out when I do leave to run errands, that I can barely stand to even say hello.
What really irritates me is that the tellers at the bank are always trying to make small talk, while taking care of my transaction. I have heard them ask the person before me the same question about the weather, so I guess it's just routine questions they ask everyone. I don't chat very much, because the tellers have made too many mistakes with my account when I get chatty with them.:bitelip: I dress down now because when I have had nice outfits and jewelry on in the past, they want to talk about that way too much. I wish I could use the atm more, but ever since my atm card was eaten by one, I don't use them.
Luckily I live in a fast paced city, so people usually mind their own business, and respect boundaries of silence!
Glamourmilf;2517010 wrote:^^^ Yes,Yes Yes Nina!! That's one of the reasons I do my own color, and nails. Those loud, talkative, and smelly nail and hair salons are just horrible!!The older I get, the more quiet I like. When I lived in the desert, it was 'pure heaven' to not have the noise that city life is all about. Now that I've been camming almost 3 years, i'm seriously thinking of moving back to the desert. it's the perfect environment to be a hermit, because it's usually too hot most of the year to go outside anyway.
cherryblossomsinspring;2517110 wrote:Ooh I hate that forced conversation. Nina you said it so right. There's another store where a woman always does this " so going to school today??" even in another 24/hr pharamacy I'll pick up a few shakes and maybe some candy at a weird hour and sure enough I'll get " so are you going to work or coming from work"? Like shut the fuck up. I just go huh? Ohh I'm tired and I'll just make some shit up. I just hate having to talk to people when I need to buy shit. Like when exactly is that part of a purchase? If I could avoid you and deal with a self check out I would. Actually that's what I do if I end up at a supermarket during the daylight. I'll go to self check out only. It's like the best invention ever. A way to limit your interaction as much as possible. Of course something goes wrong with those stupid weights and then I have to wait for a clerk. Hate that!

Yes I know it sounds super anti-social but I don't like beng forced to talk to people when I'm in there for something I need. I find that a cruel means of torture when someone holds me up for some personal shit that isn't itemized on their shelf. Your emotion validation shit isn't part of my purchase. If it is shit should be free!

7-11 (store) is the worst. I will drive to three different ones just to avoid the stupid guys in those stores. Or I'll buy 5 packs of cigarettes just so I don't have to go back in too soon to avoid " do you have boyfriend" said from a man clearly in his 60s smelling of spice, mustard and lacks deodarant. Now I got to store looking like hell. I seriously wonder if people think I'm a heavy drug addict because I look mashed up pretty bad lol. It's perfect but there's always some guy that still hits on me. Its like really ?? Come on now I would screw me looking like this.

People are too damn nosy!! Give me my food and let me leave already.
cherryblossomsinspring;2517113 wrote:Also I do my own nails now too. Picked up the light for about $400 and I do my own gels. Can't stand the chit chat " get in your ass conversations". I also hate when random people feel the need to touch me. Like when did I sign up for Santa's Petting zoo? Get away freak!

I know I sound pissy but I'm quite nice and possibly because I come across nice I'm easy to approach. I often always wondered why some women walk around looking pissed off all the time. Now I know.. Pissed off look activate!lol
Nina_Den;2517138 wrote:I go to the beauty salon to get a professional pedicure (the skin on my feet gets so dry, so quick) and to get my eyebrows and arms waxed. These are things I can't do alone.

In the past, when my depression hit full-force, before I even started camming and couldn't hold any other job for more than a day, I'd just make up these insane stories. I'd say I'm either a law or medicine student and make up entire future-plans stories. Regarding my partner, whom I'm in a complicated LDR with, I'd say we are already engaged and will marry soon. I'd say anything just to seem ok, just to seem normal - not even normal, but perfect, exactly what they want to hear while they're waxing my eyebrows.

These days? I just say whatever. "What's your job, honey?"
"Oh, nothing really."
"Well, are you LOOKING for something?"
"Nope, not at the moment."
"Oh... why?"
"I don't feel like it."
"Are you studying something, at least?"

This usually keeps them quiet.
xxxGothBarbie;2517174 wrote:^^ omg I'm glad I'm not the only person that feels this way or hates the whole nail salon experience LOL I love the feeling of being pampered but all of those women are sooo effin nosy! I got tired of waiting on them to get to me one day & while I'm sitting there in the chair, i started painting my own nails & they started snickering & looking at me ugh stupid bitches ;p so I just smiled back & didn't tip after my pedicure LOL Same thing with the grocery store or anywhere else in the normal daytime hours I dread going anywhere in this over crowded city & I'll usually wait until 6 or 7 to do my errands :) I agree with the whole being older wanting a more quiet environment, this is totally me :)
melanielive;2519981 wrote:this reminds of when I went to one of those " murder mystery" thing , there s one in Orlando, those that they seat u in tables with strangers.....omg... lol
I remember I went there with a friend who knows what i do but there was this lady who was some kind of " social butterfly" and was like Ok so let s introduce ourselves, tell me where r u guys from?? bla bla bla... I just wanted the earth to eat me like we say in my country...lol
I was able to manage pretty well, pretending i was checking e mails, etc so they wouldn t start asking questions...lol
I m gonna be honest I don t go out much other than the gym just cause I spend LONG hrs on cam so that takes most of my time, I actually love it when my man and I go out to eat cause other than gym and doing grocery shopping those r the only times i go out...lol
But that time at the dinner show thing made me pretty anxious ha ha
Believe me if I was making more $$ on cam, spending less hours on I would go out more..
kikiwiki;2520021 wrote:OMG. There's a name for me. For us. We're Bitch Hermits! This is so my life atm....
AutumnAmbrosia;2520103 wrote:I'm glad I'm not the only one that feels similarly.
Me, when I am disturbed at my home or have to leave the house for almost any reason:
BellaBellini;2520140 wrote:I also bought a home gel nail mani/pedi system to avoid the nail salon.

Fake stories and small talk are annoying enough. But I also get terrible hand shakes sometimes because of a medication side effect. The nail technicians get all annoyed about it and kept saying 'Relax! Relax!'

That was the final straw. I'm not going to pay someone to get stressed out:P

I still go to my hairdresser because she's the best and a friend of mine. But I always wait until the last minute when I can barely see because my bangs are so long.

I recently discovered tape in hair extensions. So I'm doing that at home to avoid the HOURS at the extensions salon.

My man does my nails and extensions now. So I still get pampered ;D
BluJ;2520643 wrote:I used to be the complete opposite and had way too much fun when I got caught in mindless small talk. Kind of made a game out of it and see what people will and won't call BS on. "What do you do?" "I'm a beta tester for the new Google contact lenses. I'm recording you right now." "I'm a rocket scientist, doing freelance work for (random country). We're going to Mars next year!" "I'm a capoeira specialist with pressure point training. Want to spar?"

I REALLY liked it when people join in, a teller at my bank still swaps spy stories (Mr&Mrs Smith, Bond- really outrageous stuff) with me when his boss isn't there.

Since I started camming I keep thinking everyone is a customer, and the game isn't as fun anymore. I don't need to leave the house much anyway, I only go to the bank, post office and the nearest gaming shops. My roomate shops for me and my SO does my hair. Also I'm addicted to Amazon. zomg, :heartbeatAmazon:heartbeat
Glamourmilf;2520755 wrote:[FONT=Comic Sans MS][/FONT] I think about being a 'hermit' a lot these days, and observe how much my 'social' life has changed.
Before camming, it just seemed like the 'natural' thing to do i.e.- to go out after working at my corporate job for 8 hours per day. I also went out with the girls after my shift was over when I was dancing at a club. (now, when I'm finished with a private dancing gig, I just want to come home and cam, so as not to waste my pumped up energy, and 'Glam' look!)
Since I was a traveling dancer at one point, I used to love going to new places, and always had a suitcase packed in my trunk in case I felt like going somewhere.
If a friend called and asked if I wanted to fly or drive somewhere, I was always excited to go.
However, I have come to the realization that it seems perfectly 'right' to just stay home. Think about it. You have EVERYTHING there! Food, drink, restroom, movies, and shows, etc. You can dress in your comfy clothes, with no makeup,etc. Take a nap.
When You're out, you always have to ---find a restroom if you have to go, find water or snacks if you run out of them, deal with traffic, weather conditions,:umbrella: crowds, lines, noise, etc.:P
Home is comfy, and with a home based biz, I really can't think of any reason to venture outside.:curlers:
"Home is where the heart is!"
gingerstripper;2520782 wrote:Hermit bitches that look fabulous ^.^
Glamourmilf;2521129 wrote:^^ Exactly!! lol! I realized yesterday that I hadn't checked my mail in a couple of days, due to so much camming overtime. Took a break from streaming to go check it(while in full cam makeup and wig). As the elevator door opened, a lady I frequently see and talk to when I'm in the laundry room starts gushing about how great I look! How beautiful my hair is, etc. I tell her that it is a wig, because I didn't have time to do my hair.:cutie: I also had a long sundress and platforms on, so it was so unusual for me to look like that, since she only sees me in my 'doing laundry' clothes- i.e. no makeup, hair in a ponytail, leggings and t'shirt,etc.
It was funny, because most people that live here have so much money that they never dress up either.(probably as a way to look like they don't have money) idk. it was nice to get the attention though.:D
Jade62013;2542125 wrote:I totally feel everything you guys are saying haha it's so nice not to feel alone...
Naiad;2613827 wrote:Okay old thread but this is relevant


We need this! :D

Wouldn't want to go outside to go grocery shopping or anything. Plus more time to add bras and dildos to our wishlists.

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Sat Jan 28, 2023 11:07 pm

Juliette25;2516434 wrote:LOL very relevant to my life.
cherryblossomsinspring;2516444 wrote:Win!! This is so me. I just received my food delivery today and the guy knocked and I told him" can you just stack it outside the door and then I'll come out to sign?" lol. Hhaha I grabbed my stuff in all crazy trying to make sure no neighbor saw me grabbing all of those bags. I'm an online order junkie now. Can't get enough of ebay and "bill me later" lol.
Nina_Den;2516445 wrote:[ATTACH=CONFIG]34436[/ATTACH]

That's... too accurate.
Graceface;2516665 wrote:LMAO! Totally reminds me of this:

http://blip.tv/illwillpress/germaine-s- ... el-3629443
xxxGothBarbie;2516667 wrote:I can't believe how much of a hermit I've turned into over the past few months LOL I literally hate going anywhere unless it's out of this shit hole city
CanadianRuby;2516921 wrote:Glad im not the only one that stays indoors a lot lol. I get VERY anxious going outside alone. I dont like interacting with people face to fax haha. Maybe thats a common them for cam girls?

I have social anxiety @.@
cherryblossomsinspring;2516948 wrote:^ me too.. If I leave out to do any shopping it's usually between 12am-6am only. lol All my checks are deposited within those hours. I can't stand going into the branch because where i live people actually want to chat you up in there. What do you do?? Where are you going?? Wow you look nice, Where did you get those shoes??"

The only thing that frustrates me is men in convenience stores between those hours always play stupid games to keep me in the store longer. Like I just came in for gateorade yet the guy tries to pretend he needs to sweep at that very moment. No one is in the store but me. When a man shows up he stops what he's doing and rings the guy up right away. Some stores I don't even go into because of this very issue. Or the weird guy that acts like he has no clue what I'm asking him to get on the shelf even though I do this 3 times a week for the last 3-5 years. I noticed I started pressing the counter hard trying to find a BAN button. lol

Another time one of those clerks tried to hug me in the store. I jumped back and was like excuse me???!!! He's like ooh I'm sorry I just thought... ring my stuff up now!

I now do the "pretend you're on the phone". I actually had some clerk say " who are you talking to??" Umm wtf?? People and boundaries seems to be way off after midnight. I now wait some days until 5:30am because I know there are alot of men coming in and out of the this particular store going off to work. That annoying needy clerk doesn't have time to play dumb because they'll be waiting in line behind me:) It always works to get him to umm do his job.
Nina_Den;2517006 wrote:^ I encounter this problem more than anywhere else whenever I go waxing/get my nails done etc.
I dread these forced conversations which, depending on the time I spend in the beauty salon, can last over an hour. Having to lie, to fake a normal life... "So what are you studying? What's your job?" etc. etc., every single time. Sometimes I won't even go there just because I dread this so much. I don't know why, but it drains me out of energy.
Glamourmilf;2516999 wrote:^^^ I recently have started carrying a magazine, or book with me, which is open, so people don't talk to me. (This works well while waiting in lines, elevators, etc.)
I am usually so talked out when I do leave to run errands, that I can barely stand to even say hello.
What really irritates me is that the tellers at the bank are always trying to make small talk, while taking care of my transaction. I have heard them ask the person before me the same question about the weather, so I guess it's just routine questions they ask everyone. I don't chat very much, because the tellers have made too many mistakes with my account when I get chatty with them.:bitelip: I dress down now because when I have had nice outfits and jewelry on in the past, they want to talk about that way too much. I wish I could use the atm more, but ever since my atm card was eaten by one, I don't use them.
Luckily I live in a fast paced city, so people usually mind their own business, and respect boundaries of silence!
Glamourmilf;2517010 wrote:^^^ Yes,Yes Yes Nina!! That's one of the reasons I do my own color, and nails. Those loud, talkative, and smelly nail and hair salons are just horrible!!The older I get, the more quiet I like. When I lived in the desert, it was 'pure heaven' to not have the noise that city life is all about. Now that I've been camming almost 3 years, i'm seriously thinking of moving back to the desert. it's the perfect environment to be a hermit, because it's usually too hot most of the year to go outside anyway.
cherryblossomsinspring;2517110 wrote:Ooh I hate that forced conversation. Nina you said it so right. There's another store where a woman always does this " so going to school today??" even in another 24/hr pharamacy I'll pick up a few shakes and maybe some candy at a weird hour and sure enough I'll get " so are you going to work or coming from work"? Like shut the fuck up. I just go huh? Ohh I'm tired and I'll just make some shit up. I just hate having to talk to people when I need to buy shit. Like when exactly is that part of a purchase? If I could avoid you and deal with a self check out I would. Actually that's what I do if I end up at a supermarket during the daylight. I'll go to self check out only. It's like the best invention ever. A way to limit your interaction as much as possible. Of course something goes wrong with those stupid weights and then I have to wait for a clerk. Hate that!

Yes I know it sounds super anti-social but I don't like beng forced to talk to people when I'm in there for something I need. I find that a cruel means of torture when someone holds me up for some personal shit that isn't itemized on their shelf. Your emotion validation shit isn't part of my purchase. If it is shit should be free!

7-11 (store) is the worst. I will drive to three different ones just to avoid the stupid guys in those stores. Or I'll buy 5 packs of cigarettes just so I don't have to go back in too soon to avoid " do you have boyfriend" said from a man clearly in his 60s smelling of spice, mustard and lacks deodarant. Now I got to store looking like hell. I seriously wonder if people think I'm a heavy drug addict because I look mashed up pretty bad lol. It's perfect but there's always some guy that still hits on me. Its like really ?? Come on now I would screw me looking like this.

People are too damn nosy!! Give me my food and let me leave already.
cherryblossomsinspring;2517113 wrote:Also I do my own nails now too. Picked up the light for about $400 and I do my own gels. Can't stand the chit chat " get in your ass conversations". I also hate when random people feel the need to touch me. Like when did I sign up for Santa's Petting zoo? Get away freak!

I know I sound pissy but I'm quite nice and possibly because I come across nice I'm easy to approach. I often always wondered why some women walk around looking pissed off all the time. Now I know.. Pissed off look activate!lol
Nina_Den;2517138 wrote:I go to the beauty salon to get a professional pedicure (the skin on my feet gets so dry, so quick) and to get my eyebrows and arms waxed. These are things I can't do alone.

In the past, when my depression hit full-force, before I even started camming and couldn't hold any other job for more than a day, I'd just make up these insane stories. I'd say I'm either a law or medicine student and make up entire future-plans stories. Regarding my partner, whom I'm in a complicated LDR with, I'd say we are already engaged and will marry soon. I'd say anything just to seem ok, just to seem normal - not even normal, but perfect, exactly what they want to hear while they're waxing my eyebrows.

These days? I just say whatever. "What's your job, honey?"
"Oh, nothing really."
"Well, are you LOOKING for something?"
"Nope, not at the moment."
"Oh... why?"
"I don't feel like it."
"Are you studying something, at least?"

This usually keeps them quiet.
xxxGothBarbie;2517174 wrote:^^ omg I'm glad I'm not the only person that feels this way or hates the whole nail salon experience LOL I love the feeling of being pampered but all of those women are sooo effin nosy! I got tired of waiting on them to get to me one day & while I'm sitting there in the chair, i started painting my own nails & they started snickering & looking at me ugh stupid bitches ;p so I just smiled back & didn't tip after my pedicure LOL Same thing with the grocery store or anywhere else in the normal daytime hours I dread going anywhere in this over crowded city & I'll usually wait until 6 or 7 to do my errands :) I agree with the whole being older wanting a more quiet environment, this is totally me :)
melanielive;2519981 wrote:this reminds of when I went to one of those " murder mystery" thing , there s one in Orlando, those that they seat u in tables with strangers.....omg... lol
I remember I went there with a friend who knows what i do but there was this lady who was some kind of " social butterfly" and was like Ok so let s introduce ourselves, tell me where r u guys from?? bla bla bla... I just wanted the earth to eat me like we say in my country...lol
I was able to manage pretty well, pretending i was checking e mails, etc so they wouldn t start asking questions...lol
I m gonna be honest I don t go out much other than the gym just cause I spend LONG hrs on cam so that takes most of my time, I actually love it when my man and I go out to eat cause other than gym and doing grocery shopping those r the only times i go out...lol
But that time at the dinner show thing made me pretty anxious ha ha
Believe me if I was making more $$ on cam, spending less hours on I would go out more..
kikiwiki;2520021 wrote:OMG. There's a name for me. For us. We're Bitch Hermits! This is so my life atm....
AutumnAmbrosia;2520103 wrote:I'm glad I'm not the only one that feels similarly.
Me, when I am disturbed at my home or have to leave the house for almost any reason:
BellaBellini;2520140 wrote:I also bought a home gel nail mani/pedi system to avoid the nail salon.

Fake stories and small talk are annoying enough. But I also get terrible hand shakes sometimes because of a medication side effect. The nail technicians get all annoyed about it and kept saying 'Relax! Relax!'

That was the final straw. I'm not going to pay someone to get stressed out:P

I still go to my hairdresser because she's the best and a friend of mine. But I always wait until the last minute when I can barely see because my bangs are so long.

I recently discovered tape in hair extensions. So I'm doing that at home to avoid the HOURS at the extensions salon.

My man does my nails and extensions now. So I still get pampered ;D
BluJ;2520643 wrote:I used to be the complete opposite and had way too much fun when I got caught in mindless small talk. Kind of made a game out of it and see what people will and won't call BS on. "What do you do?" "I'm a beta tester for the new Google contact lenses. I'm recording you right now." "I'm a rocket scientist, doing freelance work for (random country). We're going to Mars next year!" "I'm a capoeira specialist with pressure point training. Want to spar?"

I REALLY liked it when people join in, a teller at my bank still swaps spy stories (Mr&Mrs Smith, Bond- really outrageous stuff) with me when his boss isn't there.

Since I started camming I keep thinking everyone is a customer, and the game isn't as fun anymore. I don't need to leave the house much anyway, I only go to the bank, post office and the nearest gaming shops. My roomate shops for me and my SO does my hair. Also I'm addicted to Amazon. zomg, :heartbeatAmazon:heartbeat
Glamourmilf;2520755 wrote:[FONT=Comic Sans MS][/FONT] I think about being a 'hermit' a lot these days, and observe how much my 'social' life has changed.
Before camming, it just seemed like the 'natural' thing to do i.e.- to go out after working at my corporate job for 8 hours per day. I also went out with the girls after my shift was over when I was dancing at a club. (now, when I'm finished with a private dancing gig, I just want to come home and cam, so as not to waste my pumped up energy, and 'Glam' look!)
Since I was a traveling dancer at one point, I used to love going to new places, and always had a suitcase packed in my trunk in case I felt like going somewhere.
If a friend called and asked if I wanted to fly or drive somewhere, I was always excited to go.
However, I have come to the realization that it seems perfectly 'right' to just stay home. Think about it. You have EVERYTHING there! Food, drink, restroom, movies, and shows, etc. You can dress in your comfy clothes, with no makeup,etc. Take a nap.
When You're out, you always have to ---find a restroom if you have to go, find water or snacks if you run out of them, deal with traffic, weather conditions,:umbrella: crowds, lines, noise, etc.:P
Home is comfy, and with a home based biz, I really can't think of any reason to venture outside.:curlers:
"Home is where the heart is!"
gingerstripper;2520782 wrote:Hermit bitches that look fabulous ^.^
Glamourmilf;2521129 wrote:^^ Exactly!! lol! I realized yesterday that I hadn't checked my mail in a couple of days, due to so much camming overtime. Took a break from streaming to go check it(while in full cam makeup and wig). As the elevator door opened, a lady I frequently see and talk to when I'm in the laundry room starts gushing about how great I look! How beautiful my hair is, etc. I tell her that it is a wig, because I didn't have time to do my hair.:cutie: I also had a long sundress and platforms on, so it was so unusual for me to look like that, since she only sees me in my 'doing laundry' clothes- i.e. no makeup, hair in a ponytail, leggings and t'shirt,etc.
It was funny, because most people that live here have so much money that they never dress up either.(probably as a way to look like they don't have money) idk. it was nice to get the attention though.:D
Jade62013;2542125 wrote:I totally feel everything you guys are saying haha it's so nice not to feel alone...
Naiad;2613827 wrote:Okay old thread but this is relevant


We need this! :D

Wouldn't want to go outside to go grocery shopping or anything. Plus more time to add bras and dildos to our wishlists.
Glamourmilf;2613953 wrote:[FONT=Garamond][/FONT]^^ Sooo perfect! thanks for reminding me about this!

Took a break from camming, and went out (reluctantly), just yesterday to do my week's worth of grocery shopping. I stopped by my mailbox, and received a menu from a similar home food delivery service I have used many a time. I just can't afford it this time.
The grocery store on a Saturday afternoon was.... Horrendous!

It was packed with people, loud, mainly all couples:spit:, and snotty wealthy women.
By the time I shopped, and got my groceries home, I was totally exhausted.
it was at that moment that I knew I had to put the money aside to order in next time. I have an extremely bad back, and it aggravated it so much, I sit here typing this with a heating pad on me.:wheelchai
I'm going to check to see how much Amazon charges.

Thanks for the remind.
The only time I love going outside, is to go outside for a walk.
SweetJulia;2613959 wrote:I love this damn thread :)
Ashalicious;2614465 wrote:THIS would drive me bananas! My friends and I are quite affectionate with each other (we hug, snuggle, sit on each others laps) and that is all fine and dandy, but it would drive me mental if random people who I didn't know thought it was okay to touch me.

I live in a bubble, and only certain pre approved people are allowed to be in my bubble with me.
audritwo;2614479 wrote:I will never leave the house!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Glamourmilf;2615309 wrote:[FONT=Century Gothic][/FONT] ^^Ditto Little Sista!! :cheers:
Glamourmilf;2646686 wrote::bump:bumping, because All of the noisy 4th festivities going on around me, make me want to stay in even more..
JaneBurgess;2646702 wrote:The thread title alone rocks!!
Issabelle;2646733 wrote:This is just so incredibly relevant to my life right now.

I go out because my boy and his friends go out to bars most nights. I'm rarely bothered by anyone with that group of large dudes surrounding me though--it's an awesome bubble. Otherwise, I interact with elderly retired couples on a daily basis in person and my father over the phone. So, I think I socialize with real people, oh say, four hours per day? Maybe? Groceries are a bi-monthly thing if that. Gas/cigarettes purchased at 3 a.m. I drop my rent through the mail slot at midnight. Yeah--it's awesome. Fuck people. Even my dog is nocturnal at this point.
Glamourmilf;2646744 wrote:^^ I love it! Even Your dog! When I had dogs I used to walk them around 2-3 in the morning. I order my groceries online now as much as I can. Just got a flyer in the mail the other day from a new online delivery service in my area, that as advertising, has that red line through the circle saying- "Say No To drug Stores" They say---no more long lines, no heavy bags, and no cranky cashiers!!
"Free shipping. We carry over 30,000 plus items, so we you don't have to!"
In my city, not only does the customer have to bring their own shopping bags, but then there is the problem of how to get it out of the car into my place-(I don't live in a house, so even that is a major hassle). Don't get me started on traffic. Usually 2 errands take at least 1 hr. to complete.
Plus, it never fails- I'm either in the store surrounding by coughing adults, or behind a crying, fussy infant.
caramelcraze;2646819 wrote:Was forced to go to a fourth of july party yesterday. I don't know who had more anxiety: Me; due to hours of forced socialization with large volumes of people idgaf about, or my emotional support dog; who managed to get hit by some 3 year old hellion with a stick whose mother was a complete fucktard and then had to listen to not one, but two firework shows. Pretty sure we were both shaking just as much as the other by the end of the night. I swear I'm never going to a party with more than 20 people ever again... especially not with stick wielding, hyperactive, crotch dumplings. NEVER AGAIN...
AspiringCamGirl;2646923 wrote:I love these forums! It's like you all read my mind. Camming makes me feel disconnected from the world! Don't get me wrong, it is probably the best thing that happened to me. But it's really depressing for me to drop my daughter off at care and then stay in my office and be in fantasy land computer box land all day at home and then pick her back up! That continued for a month and I felt myself getting withdrawn and almost lethargic. I was actually starting to get worried about myself if I let it continue any longer to the point I was going to throw in the towel and give up camming, I just joined a Mom's group and it is exactly what I needed for me to feel connected again. I was really uncomfortable at first but I'm so glad I did it now
sweetandnaughty;2646953 wrote:So I finally decided I luv my hermit status but I want to fulfill a life long dream of owning my own horse. Camming will
Finally allow that dream to come true. I don't want fancy clothes, car, etc. I'm happy with a nice place to live and steady income for my anxiety ridden ass. I've ridden all my life but now its my turn!
Glamourmilf;2650424 wrote:Trying to decide whether to actually leave my place to get some groceries... After reading through this thread again, I've decided not to...
Online delivery, it is... I'm not feeling very energetic these days, and just the hassle of what it physically takes to leave the house, is exhausting. I had an annoying obligation the last 3 weeks, that required me to venture out a lot, and I'm sooo wiped out from it..
I love, Love, Love, being home! :heartbeat
Anyone else?
justanothercamgirl;2650518 wrote:I got some lovely tea in my mailbox. It was so much better then having to actually walk into the shop to get it. No small talk was required. :)
Glamourmilf;2650530 wrote:^^ Or running into neighbors! Uggh! Nobody works here, and they get soo noisy, and ask a lot of personal questions, every time I'm cornered in the elevator with one of them.
Glamourmilf;2653388 wrote:Bumping this... so we can update how to be a bitch hermit in the Summer. Have you been camming more? Or less, and staying home to pamper an nurture yourself?
I've been taking care of 'me', for once in a long time. Feels good! :sleep:
Glamourmilf;2659407 wrote:[ATTACH=CONFIG]38593[/ATTACH]
SoloDesire;2659456 wrote:I was thinking about this thread and you ladies yesterday as I was sitting in the dentist office waiting on my teenage daughter to get finished with her appointment. I was forced to take her since her father had to work lol. I sat there with my face in my phone, hoping to avoid all human contact. The anxiety I felt all day leading up to that appointment was ridiculous. I hate leaving the house unless I'm with my boyfriend. I never used to be quite this way...but since working from home it's gotten worse. My boyfriend doesn't understand why I'm home all day yet refuse to go get groceries when I feel it's easier for him to just stop at the store after work on his way home. He doesn't realize the anxiety I feel getting dressed to go out and the mental planning I need to do just to be out in public alone. I don't really have bad experiences when I'm out...I can't explain why I am this way, I just am.

Just thought I'd share since I know a lot of you feel the same way I do...and it's nice to know you're not alone. <3
Glamourmilf;2659485 wrote:[ATTACH=CONFIG]38601[/ATTACH]^^ Just reading about your trip to the dentist with your daughter, made my heart race. Waiting rooms freak me out! Your so spot on with this feeling having gotten worse because of our 'work from home' job.
I find it has become a major production just to get dressed to run an errand. I always feel like I have to give myself a 'pep' talk, but can't.
Thanks for sharing.:-*
Glamourmilf;2667348 wrote:[ATTACH=CONFIG]38812[/ATTACH]
justanothercamgirl;2667374 wrote:Story of my life lately. :)
Airrrie2;2667420 wrote:I enjoy this thread because of the positivity. For all of the many reasons people choose to live in isolation, rarely have I seen a supportive environment where people aren't complaining about being depressed, lonely or having a laundry list of secondary issues as a result of their chosen lifestyle. Kudos to all posters in this thread!
SoloDesire;2667430 wrote:I had to go to the Post Office today to mail some important papers. I've been putting it off for months. The PO visit went smoothly...I still got in the car and cried when I was done. Sometimes it's just too much anxiety to handle. It seems so weird that I'm like this...I wish I weren't :(
Glamourmilf;2667433 wrote:^^ OMG Solo, I can so relate! That's why I bumped this thread last night after a day of 'venturing' out.
My trip to get gas, bank, dollar store, Walgreens, & Trader Joes, went well. But when I got home, all I could think about was how much I wanted to move to a quiet town far away from this crowded, noisy, dirty, over priced city! The heat of the day, and driving around in that blazing sun and heat, totally wiped me out.:hot:
Plus, my neck and back hurt so much from all of the lugging of bags, etc., that I too, just wanted to cry.:'( Especially since I knew I had to get on cam for x amount on hours. Brutal.. just brutal.
It seems that all I do is work, to pay bills, and it's really beginning to wear me down.
SoloDesire;2667437 wrote:I know what you mean. My nerves are still on edge just from that trip. I don't mind going out so much when I have someone with me and we're going out for fun, but when I HAVE to go do something it makes me crazy! I'm exhausted and it's only afternoon lol.

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