The Pros And Cons Of Being A Camgirl On Twitch

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Mon Nov 26, 2018 2:46 pm

Recently I've been considering the idea of creating a new twitch account and during my research I came across a weird petition. It's now closed with only 88 signatures :roll:

Stop allowing 'Adult Cam Girls' and 'Boob Cams' on Twitch!

Initially I assumed that this petition was created by some basement dwelling incel, but then I realized it was started by a woman. That's when I remembered that it's not always male losers trying to slow down the hustle. Sometimes it be your own gender smh.

This really got me thinking about how I should approach this whole Twitch thing. I've read articles and post over the years where a few cammers have made the crossover into gaming under their cammodel names. Twitter seems to be filled with models who have a link to their Twitch pages, but when I click through they don't seem to have very much content or views? I once had a Twitch account under a variation of my cammodel name but I never put any energy into building it up. Being a veteran camgirl with a ton of tech experience and genuine love for gaming I can see the potential for success. I just want to make sure I start out on the right foot.

Here are my perceived pros for linking a Twitch account to a camgirl persona:
  • I can use a "quick start" with existing clientele.
  • Camgirls are engaging and know how to entertain online.
  • Cammers And Streamers Use All The Same Technology.
  • Camsites get lots of traffic. That same traffic can help you grow a Twitch fandom.
  • Sex sells, it's true.
Speaking of Sex Sells, Twitch re-did their TOS back in Feb. of this year and some people seem a bit too happy about that. Ugh the comment section under this video, Dear lord!

This brings me to cons that come along with linking a Twitch account to a camgirl persona:
  • The haters. You never know when they'll arrive or from where. Image
  • If I use the same name from camland on Twitch, will that induce an automatic ban even if I follow the tos?
  • What if my paying customers from camsites find me and stop spending money all together? Now they know where they can look at me for free and get to know the "real" me.
  • There's a great chance no one will take you seriously as a gamer.
  • Your stream could become an invitation to sexual commentary. Will Twitch ban camgirls just because their viewers are acting inappropriately?
Im not sure if she's a cammodel but she seems to be able to talk about anything she wants. Of course I do know better than to think what goes for one person may not work for another.

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Thu Nov 29, 2018 12:20 pm

I would be worried that the gaming community is really toxic and happy to brigade people (women) they don't like. Most top twitch gamers won't stream with women, and there was an episode of Catfish where a twitch streamer was harassed by a guy who sent people to her room constantly because she used to do porn.

If I did it, I'd probably use a different name and not show my face. I saw a way to stream your 3DS without modding it that looked promising.

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Thu Nov 29, 2018 2:58 pm

On the topic of inclusion I came across this article yesterday:

Striving to be seen: Black Girl Gamers on Twitch

Just because you're the face of TwitchUnity doesn't mean you'll make Partner

It features the founder of Black Girl Gamers, Jay-Ann Lopez. She has a twitch channel where there are streamers going 24/7. She's growing a platform filled with lots of diverse players but despite that she was turned down for partner. This was after Twitch highlited her group on the first page of their site and using her in their promo to promote inclusion. She meets all of the requirements and says she'll try again.

Right now I'm trying to determine if Youtube Gaming would be a better fit for me? Also Im dabbling with the idea of taking one of my adult twitter accounts and turning it into a mainstream account. At this point Im not too concerned about being outted to family members. But having trolls slam my room because im an internet thot is something to think about.

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Thu Nov 29, 2018 3:01 pm

Something Ive noticed Camgirls on twitch do is they may link to their Twitch page from an adult account, but once you click through its a different name.

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Mon Jan 07, 2019 12:09 am

I haven't updated thus thread in awhile because Ive been super busy...adulting and gaming.

I decided to jump back into gaming full throttle and I wad able to make affiliate within my first 30 days!

For those who don't know the Twitch Affiliate criteria for eligibility is as follows:
The criteria for Affiliates is likely to change as we develop the program. At launch we invited non partnered broadcasters who have:

At least 500 total minutes broadcast in the last 30 days
At least 7 unique broadcast days in the last 30 days
An average of 3 concurrent viewers or more over the last 30 days
At least 50 Followers
Within a few weeks after your channel becomes eligible, you will be invited via email, the Notification Area in the upper right corner of, and on the Dashboard live tab.
I think because Im a camgirl with a substantial fanbase this helpwd quite a bit. I didnt use all of my social media out in the open to promote my live stream. Instead I sent dm's to all of my followers every day. But in batches! Like 20 a day or so. And I tried to make each message as unique as possible. Before I knew it I had well over 50 followers plus consistent viewers.

I'm still deciding if Im going to turn two of my adult social accounts into a mainstream/gaming account? Name change and pics etc. I probably will. IDK I'm excited and could use a distraction to be honest. Making partner I'm sure won't be as easy but Im willing to try.

I just saw this on twitter. A Twitch streamer was banned for innapropriate content and incorrect cam size? What does wrong cam size mean? ... 09408?s=19

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Mon Jan 07, 2019 12:29 am

TheEtherealMOD wrote: Mon Jan 07, 2019 12:09 am I haven't updated thus thread in awhile because Ive been super busy...adulting and gaming.

I decided to jump back into gaming full throttle and I wad able to make affiliate within my first 30 days!

For those who don't know the Twitch Affiliate criteria for eligibility is as follows:
The criteria for Affiliates is likely to change as we develop the program. At launch we invited non partnered broadcasters who have:

At least 500 total minutes broadcast in the last 30 days
At least 7 unique broadcast days in the last 30 days
An average of 3 concurrent viewers or more over the last 30 days
At least 50 Followers
Within a few weeks after your channel becomes eligible, you will be invited via email, the Notification Area in the upper right corner of, and on the Dashboard live tab.
I think because Im a camgirl with a substantial fanbase this helpwd quite a bit. I didnt use all of my social media out in the open to promote my live stream. Instead I sent dm's to all of my followers every day. But in batches! Like 20 a day or so. And I tried to make each message as unique as possible. Before I knew it I had well over 50 followers plus consistent viewers.

I'm still deciding if Im going to turn two of my adult social accounts into a mainstream/gaming account? Name change and pics etc. I probably will. IDK I'm excited and could use a distraction to be honest. Making partner I'm sure won't be as easy but Im willing to try.

I just saw this on twitter. A Twitch streamer was banned for innapropriate content and incorrect cam size? What does wrong cam size mean? ... 09408?s=19
Congrats!!!!! YAY!!!! I would switch, just because I think twitter will be the next adult crackdown.

And cam size confuses me, I've seen my friends do terrible streams to the point where I'm commenting "are you using OBS???" to try and help and they never got banned. Hmm.

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Thu Jan 10, 2019 12:14 am

This made me laugh because I don't think she means it? I think she's trolling whoever's in her chat trolling her. The people under this tweet art taking her words literally imo. Also uts funny because it reminds me of cammodels who whine about other cammers and what they do in their room. One tweet in this thread said she was tempted to do what blondie is doing but you know dignity... :roll: ... 33056?s=19

I do agree that keeping your close on while streaming on Twitch is the smart way to go. But I don't see the issue with cleavage or wearing a bikini, then again I grew up in Florida.

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Thu Jan 10, 2019 12:38 am

WOW The hate for this chick is real son! Someone created a video celebrating her 30 day ban.

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