Stripperweb And The Best Of Sam38g

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Tue Jan 31, 2023 8:58 pm

Congrats to Sam38g for being one of the Top Thanked girls on Stripperweb
justanothercamgirl;2742177 wrote:Image

I couldn't let this moment go by without giving kudos where kudos is due. ;D

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Tue Jan 31, 2023 8:59 pm

Sam38g;3310488 wrote:I used to work with a stripper named Sasha, she use to pull off her spiked heels and threaten to shove it up their noses. I found that technic worked very well.

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Tue Jan 31, 2023 9:01 pm

Sam38g;3299816 wrote:I think how we are portrayed will change when more of us are writers, producers and getting our own stories out there rather than others who only write it from one perspective. Like there is who was a cam girl, wrote a screen play and got it on Netflix.

Since so many are getting filthy rich on onlyfans, there will be more mainstream acceptance.. Cause that is what real money can do for any industry. Sophie Dee was recently in Forbes or Bloomberg as a top influencer.

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Tue Jan 31, 2023 9:03 pm

AlisonSparks;3298608 wrote:Jasmine, I feel you so hard on this. I'm proud of what I do and I love sex work. Can't think of anything else I'd rather do. But the lack of local friends who would understand makes me feel isolated and the criticism from my parents makes me feel ashamed and low, too. Not because I'm ashamed of doing this type of work but because it breaks my heart that they'll never get past their biases and understand my passion for this. And also, I feel embarrassed that I'm not particularly successful or good at this job yet. It's been a few years and I still don't make full-time income, so I kind of feel like a failure.
Sam38g;3298614 wrote:You are not a failure, rarely do people in any vocation make money right off the bat. There is so much to learn & much of it the wrong way first. Takes a while to find the platform, customer base & niches that work best for each person and then it is always evolving.

Do read books on sales, youtube vids on sale funnels, how to use social media, marketing, make up, skin care, editing and such. Never stop learning. I say watch one youtube vid a day on these subjects to help improve how much money you make. Taking 5 to 30 minutes a day to improve basic skills is useful in ways you can never imagine. It will also help give you perspective on what it takes in other industries too.

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Tue Jan 31, 2023 9:05 pm

smeca;3298338 wrote:Oooh, this makes more sense. Feminine not feminist lol. I have been on a feminine journey... I'd struggle to tell you where to look online for guidance. A lot of accounts are largely superficial, 'wear long dresses, grow your hair' etc. These things certainly DO bring out a feminine feeling for me personally, but true feminine essence is deeper.

I don't even know if i want to search for the femininity accounts I followed online, (even the masculinity accounts touch on the complementary nature of masc/fem together). I kind of absorbed vibes and ideas over a long time.

I'd say it's largely about trusting your intuition, your body, listening to it. Nurturing. Nurture your interests, plants, pets, children, your understanding and care for yourself.

I've seen some ladies on here post videos on this stuff. I can see how sex work and femininity are a tricky pairing, because it's a hustle and you're in a masculine frame of mind when hunting down your goals. But it's not impossible, might require some conscious effort to 'switch off' and allow the feminine energy to flow.

Sorry this isn't very specific, it's been a gradual shift for me over many years. I basically stopped trying to win traditional masculine victories (i saw this phrase online today actually), and appreciate my feminine powers.

I think because being feminine is more 'quiet', even mystical, it's harder to give a checklist of advice like a man could use to sort his life out.

Maybe there is someone you could find who seems to embody it, and just study what it is about how they approach life, before paying someone who thinks they are a guru? I'd wager female archetypes from classical literature embody a lot of big feminine traits, someone more learned has probably written a blog on it somewhere.
Sam38g;3298353 wrote:Love & be kind to yourself. All our greatest strengths are also our weakness, all of life is a journey. Personally, I don't think of feminine or masculine energy but we all do what we have to do to survive and then thrive. Like working hard & making enough money to pay bills then put some aside as investments isn't masculine energy it is being responsible to ensure a good life for yourself & loved ones. Just like caring, hugging, cooking cleaning isn't feminine energy, it is also life and caring for yourself and others. Which isn't gender, but doing what has to be done.

Getting lost in such terms is a waste of time to me, but seems that is something you need to work through. I think the generation of they/them knows deep down that gender doesn't matter but doing what needs to be done does. Like a child doesn't care who did the laundry, put a bandaid on when hurt or cooked their meals, all they know is that they are loved & taken care of.
DonaDiabla;3298394 wrote:Interesting thread.

Here's my take on this:
Femininity comes in many forms but many of those allegedly femininity creators always touch on that super "girlie-damsess-in distress" type of femininity. Problem with that never touches on the real women's issues.

Will wearing long dresses, long nails, and being girlie protect women from male violence? Does hypergamy protect women if they don't have a plan in place? Does being "soft" stop a man's rage? They never answered these questions. Anyways, I believe in the "Maria Felix's brand of femininity" which is named after Mexico's most famous movie star.
Which means you take care of yourself, be aggressive when you need, demand what you want, take no shit from no one, do what it takes to provide for your family, and love yourself. So, that's my brand of femininity. Just my two cents.
TashaToday;3299287 wrote:In my journey to embrace my femininity, I've come to learn it comes in different forms. The stereotypical image is that of the hyper-feminine. If I were to go on TikTok and look for references, I'm sure that's the first thing that comes up. That may not be what's comfortable and empowering for you though.
DonaDiabla;3300430 wrote:Here's are some feminine journey sites that touch on real women's issues:

Wealthy Wife Academy-Unlike many feminine "mindset" channels and websites; Ms. Sofia actually teaches hypergamy with an plan. I would suggest watching an couple videos first before purchasing her courses. She teaches everything from how to secure an wealthy man to how to become an socialite in your own right.
Percy;3311461 wrote:Feminist is a person who is willing to or understands the issues that women face in our lives. Usually women specific issues or issues others experience but, we experience them differently.

And they allow us to speak about our issues. They do not "splain" our issues, they suport us emotionally or physically sometimes. It can be any gender or whatever of person. Anyone can be a feminist. Some feminists are loud and like to protest and others go about doing things quietly. Some protest certain things. The point is, that they are a human willing to understand women and try to equal the field.

Feminine and feminist are totally different things, though. No woman is always frminine by definition. And it also changes with cultures and time periods. Jeans can be very "feminine" but to wear any pants 150 yeara ago, it would have been very non - feminine.

Just be yourself.

And yes there are some anti sex work feminists. I do not think thry are truly a feminist since sex work has been the oldest profession for women (i understand other genders do it but keeping with history it is mostly women) and so they need to realize that, sex work IS a legit job women do. And so just as you do not call your secretary "sugar", you also have rules we need in place to protect sex work. Mainly listening to women and hearing them tell us what is wrong with sex work, and work to make it safer, easier, and what not. This extends to all sex workers, though.

Which leads me to something I believe as well, feminists also support men and society as a whole. It is like a house. If you fix the leak in the roof, you just made the whole home better.

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Tue Jan 31, 2023 9:07 pm

Sam38g;3297592 wrote:Problem with paying for half is that all the cleaning, cooking, laundry, child care and such is rarely 50/50. Study after study shows that women do 4 more hours per day in unpaid labor in the home than men do. Also showed that men way over estimate how much domestic labor they do in the home. While your situation maybe different, majority of married women are not.

Which is why women's health suffers way more in a marriage or long term relationship & a man's improves. It is also 6 times more likely he will divorce or leave her if she gets cancer and no longer do housework & sex. So much so that nurses in cancer treatment centers warn the wives to prepare for this by getting a lawyer to make sure they aren't left with nothing while going through cancer treatments.

It is never a 50/50 sharing of bills or responsibility and marriage is horrible for women, it only benefits men. And over time, men can't help themselves in trying to fuck you over. Rare is it a man who does right by us.

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Tue Jan 31, 2023 9:09 pm

Sam38g;3267601 wrote:There are many vids on youtube about side hustles and tutorial for skills you need to make money online. Then there is Fivver and becoming an online assistant and such. Google has classes for free & you can get certified and look for work with those.

So many options & ways to make money these days, figure out what other talents you have & go for it.

There are even jobs that pay $15 working from home for Amazon.
Diamond.Noire;3267657 wrote:Are there specific hustles / skills you'd recommend looking into as a starting point? I love YouTubeU, but not having a pre-defined path kinda scares me. Like I'd been considering ways to make money online, and I thought I'd be good at grant writing since I've written funding proposals before. I did a decent amount of reading and learning about grant writing, but then I realized entry-level positions seem to be few and far between with 2-3+ years experience required for every opening I saw. I guess one of my fears is that I'll start learning something else that I think is profitable only to realize it's not in demand or becoming obsolete.

I didn't know the google courses were free! This is everything!!!
Sam38g;3267702 wrote:Any skill you learn pretty much will be used in your life. Try being a virtual assistant and there are many tutorials on it and some of the skills you will need for that job. Sounds like you are a good writer, there are online jobs for those who can write blogs. Try to market the writing skills and especially for grant writing. Go look up what others are charging to figure out your own prices.

Seems Grant writers are in demand.

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Sun Feb 05, 2023 1:42 am

I absolutely love that this exists - Sam38G was def one of my first big inspirations over on SW

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