100k Per Year Club

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Sun May 14, 2023 9:11 am

Seeing BigBum's update made me want to update as well.

The first 3 months this year was almost spent entirely on project work. Neglecting live work did bring my monthly income lower. However, publishing high quality content daily, and consistently, on 6+ platforms just takes a lot of time and planning. I feel like I have the process in place to cookie cutter/newspaper print videos out moving forward which can only help my income long term.

I'm averaging 48.6% of my income from non-live sources (affiliate credit and videos) which says a lot being a high earner IMO. I started this year at 231 videos. Right now I'm at 422 videos fully edited + scheduled/posted. I will have 600+ videos posted by the end of 2023. It's been a busy year so far!

Lots of high earning firsts in 2023. Finally exceeded my highest earning day, highest earning week, and highest passive income month. HOWEVER - I also exceeded my highest # of working hours in a month which I am not proud of back in March 2023. 185 hours in this industry is brutal. The hours are different than just streaming and zoning out for long periods of time. Not saying models do that or don't do that. Just when I work, I am doing 3+ things at once and those work duties are extremely mentally demanding. Extensive project management intertwined with interactive cam model level infinity shows - just drains me.

Still forecasted to be in the $100K club. Would like to be in the $250K club sooner than later.

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Wed May 17, 2023 1:39 am

I don't know where I am currently and will have to count to update but I'll just slide right back in. Been aiming for $2,100 a week for sometime now. Raised my $350 to 420. Starting again.

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Wed May 17, 2023 6:51 am

SapphireXO wrote: Sun May 14, 2023 9:11 am Seeing BigBum's update made me want to update as well.

The first 3 months this year was almost spent entirely on project work. Neglecting live work did bring my monthly income lower. However, publishing high quality content daily, and consistently, on 6+ platforms just takes a lot of time and planning. I feel like I have the process in place to cookie cutter/newspaper print videos out moving forward which can only help my income long term.

I'm averaging 48.6% of my income from non-live sources (affiliate credit and videos) which says a lot being a high earner IMO. I started this year at 231 videos. Right now I'm at 422 videos fully edited + scheduled/posted. I will have 600+ videos posted by the end of 2023. It's been a busy year so far!

Lots of high earning firsts in 2023. Finally exceeded my highest earning day, highest earning week, and highest passive income month. HOWEVER - I also exceeded my highest # of working hours in a month which I am not proud of back in March 2023. 185 hours in this industry is brutal. The hours are different than just streaming and zoning out for long periods of time. Not saying models do that or don't do that. Just when I work, I am doing 3+ things at once and those work duties are extremely mentally demanding. Extensive project management intertwined with interactive cam model level infinity shows - just drains me.

Still forecasted to be in the $100K club. Would like to be in the $250K club sooner than later.
honestly as you already know this will all be worth it in the long term. I mean there are only 1 of us right? its not like our boyfriends or husbands can take over our hustle if god forbid we get sick or something in life comes up, also our image is our money and things in life can come up. so you are creating FIRE . which I am sure you know what that is.
there is only so much longer I can play a college girl and make it believable and use the energy levels I do on live cam.
I know over time hustles can be changed but things come up in life and being on cam isn't realistic for long term and I think it is powerful and smart of you to realize this and make as much content . plus I think you mentioned you are a mom as well so you must get pulled in a million directions.
my long term plan is to transition full time into day trading but I can't start trading the amounts I want to until I have access to my savings (once my long term French visa is renewed)

I am blessed that my husband does my video editing, answers my inboxes, manages all of that stuff for me in addition to his YouTube channel and video editing for his own business. even though I barely make vids I mean just a few per week I would never have the time or motivation to work on that because once I am done with cam I am drained. and I only log on like 2 to 3 hours usually max.

so I think while it feels like you are taking a lot of time ( and I am sure you are) it will pay you HUGE dividends moving forward.

We are all so proud of you, and I am sure without a doubt you will be in the 250k club soon. can't wait for you to start that thread.
thanks for sharing your update.
big hugs

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Sun May 28, 2023 5:12 am

KortneyKay wrote: Wed May 17, 2023 1:39 am I don't know where I am currently and will have to count to update but I'll just slide right back in. Been aiming for $2,100 a week for sometime now. Raised my $350 to 420. Starting again.

Only recently have I stabilized my work so I feel pretty confident that I can pull this off. My goal is to hit $100k over the next 2 years so that I can apply for a mortgage. I'd love to cut back to $50k and under living expenses per year, creating more wealth. growing a HYSA, and saving the other half of the $50k per year to use as a down payment for the mortgage.

I'm around 21%, being that I didn't really work until March. and 80% of that was made in the past 3 months. Recently I've been hitting the $2100 weekly and intend to stay on this path to help me get to $100k. I would have to add another $100 or so a week to hit but I really only need $90k for 2 yrs for the type of mortgage amount I want.

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Sun Oct 08, 2023 7:08 am

I honestly got caught up in my life and the demands of this business. I totally forgot about this forum. (face palm) I've been going so hard this year that for the first time in my entire career I took almost 4.5 weeks off live work. I was still doing project work and editing/posting a zillion videos. I just reached my breaking point on live cam then POOF disappeared. Wanted to bash my keyboard into my screen being sent all this low tier, unvetted tier 0 traffic. I still love camming but it was a necessary break. Already in the $100K club this year. My goal was to go from 231 clips to 600 clips this year. I'm at 587! I'll be hitting my goal a little bit early there. I am a wife and a mother first so YES! it's a lot to handle at times @bigbum . Just trying to do it all over here. It's funny you mentioned FIRE (financial independence retire early.) I'm already a year into my 5 year goal. I should be FIRE by 2027. I'm absolutely sure I'll still be camming because I love it but my sacrifice and long term planning will absolutely pay off. Mega MILF here I come!!! ;)

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Mon Oct 09, 2023 6:34 am

@SapphireXO MILF MILF MILF!!!! LOL like in American pie haha

so proud of you for taking the time you needed. honestly when I take breaks I find that it makes me "miss" making money and even camming if you can imagine that lol.
I always end up logging on after taking some time off and making a lot of money.
I also just got back from a 8 day vacation at a posh 5 star hotel in Germany living the good life and enjoying my time.
this year I moved across the world, and traveled then to ireland, Germany, Scotland, and italy!
it is about living life but also meeting our FIRE goals!
I will be starting that journey this year now that I am set up.

how are you monthly expenses looking compared to your income? do you track it in an excel?

as of now I am wayyy behind for my 100k , ill most likely end up around 80k. but since I used most of my deductions for taxes last year and I have very few right now. I think it might be a blessing after all with less taxes to pay.

my husband started a YouTube channel he does a lot of walking 4k and hotel stuff and Tavel things without voice ect. since he learned a a lot about filming and camming. so hope that will being some income next year. once his channel gets monetized I hope it can be another egg in our basket plus a great way for more tax deductions.

I haven't been working on my trading as much for stocks as I would like to. I am fully committed to start day trading by December 1 st no excuses as when I do trade I usually do pretty well

camming hasn't been as busy or as profitable as last year but is stable.

I also make a bit of content but no where near what you are doing!!! I can't believe you already almost met your goal and there are like 3 months left still! no wonder you got tired!

have you checked your social security standings with regards to how many more 'credits" you need for retirement?
I need 10 credits. so I calculate about 4 more years to reach the promised social security retirement (which sadly is coins but it would be good to at least get that small income later in life )

this year has been a lot of transitioning for me.
but I am ready for this next year regardless of how much I make income wise , to keep putting money into savings.

I also took the step today to get a house cleaner.

I calculate that paying someone $400 a month to keep my house perfectly clean makes more economic sense than me doing it myself.
if it takes me 5 hours to clean the house. if worked on am I could easily make $500 in that time frame.
thus 1 shift of 5 Hours on cam = 1 month of house cleaning 25 hours paid labor .
so I am actually winning 20 hours extra and a clean house, time and energy I can use more productively.
I will see how that theory plays out. it can only work though if I put in more time on cam.

some times delegating tasks when you hourly earning rate that is relatively high is a very logical thing to do.

I am so happy I was able to move across the world, live my dream life, travel 5 star hotels and enjoy myself, and make some decent earnings. however I need to focus this next year on working more so that I can put more money into savings.

I am hoping to use my new excellent credit score to buy some property in the usa.
but to do that we need to have high earnings with less tax deductions.

have you looked into getting a mortgage? or do you have one?
I am waiting for the housing bubble to burst. but I'll need to have all my duck in a row for when that time comes in a few years.

so great to see you back here on the forum!! pls check in with us more often! we miss you!!!

would love to hear more about your 5 year plan and what you have been up.
always happy to support you on your journey. we are all so proud of you !!!
big bum

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Mon Oct 09, 2023 7:33 am

That means a lot to me! It's so great to work off of others with like minded energy. I'll try my best to answer your questions:

1. How are you monthly expenses looking compared to your income? Do you track it in an Excel?

My husband and I are both high earners who have been increasing our incomes at the same rate for the last 5 years. Right now our expenses are around 45% of our income. The only thing I'm really conscious about is our free spending. I find if we save/invest nearly 100% of one of our incomes - it's fairly easy to succeed keeping it simple.

2. Have you checked your social security standings with regards to how many more 'credits" you need for retirement?

I haven't checked my "credits" but I've been working for 20 years contributing to social security already. I recently looked up my monthly benefits if I was fully disabled and then my % withdrawls once I'm at retirement age. It's just enough to pay for groceries and a light bill realistically. I'm honestly not depending on it whatsoever. TBH I've already achieved self employed nirvana. They say you can't even consider retirement until 1) your house is paid off or you have the ability to pay of your house to eliminate overhead 2) your passive income pays for all of your everyday expenses. (THANK YOU CAM GODDESS FOR CLIP INCOME AND YEARS OF INVESTING CAM INCOME!!!)

3. Have you looked into getting a mortgage or do you have one?

Since 2014, I'm on to my 5th condo/house. I just buy and sell to keep my living expenses low to gradually increase my standard of living. I never really profited extensively like those HGTV shows but I have been able to rent out a room = $8,000/year + year pretty casually and also living far below renting $ standards. Only more recently have I increased the type of house I've bought (built new in 2021) and it's by far my best investment I've ever made with the market changes. I've never had a hard time buying a home being an entrepreneur. The guidelines are pretty straightforward and my history of tax returns are stable. I personally had great luck with RocketMortgage by QuickenLoans. Easy peasy. Just your self employed income cannot decrease more than 20% within a 5 year tax return history.

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Mon Oct 09, 2023 7:44 am

Regarding my 5 year plan:
1. $440,000 liquidate-able assets by 2027
2. +$10,000/mo passive income (clip sales, investment returns, affiliate income)
3. Take 3-4 vacations a year
4. Move back to the midwest - slower way of life and less stress

Just about 20% there. Don't get me wrong - it's not easy. There is an excessive amount of consistency and sacrifice. I'd consider myself mildly successful (top 8% of our industry) but I'm not like a rockstar or anything. I'm pretty typical. Not a celebrity or at these tradeshows winning awards. My Twitter following is around 1100. Just what sets me apart is my planning and strategic actionables. I know what I want and I know how to take mini-steps to get where I'm going every day.

Also just a FYI for any other models daydreaming about working towards something similar. I really started picking up traction making 50% less than I am currently being single and living in a $98,000 condo. Nothing fancy. Just street parking and low expenses. Exact same mentality. Save 30-50% of your income!! After 1 to 2 years you just rinse and repeat. Kind of like climbing a staircase.

Also NO ONE EVER BELIEVED IN ME. I believed in myself. I didn't know anyone IRL that was doing what I was doing but it didn't change what I knew for myself. Now I lapped everyone I knew around that time and they think I'm some kind of superstar. It's just the gradual same actionables producing BIG RESULTS!

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Tue Jan 02, 2024 7:34 am

wanted to post a end of year.. start of 2024 update

what i accomplished this year
Personal Goals I manifested and Completed
1 . relocated to Europe excellent healthcare , better food quality and an overall more suitable lifestyle for my husband and I
2. furnished my new condo, repurchased my clothing, essentials ect in a new country
3. in the current process of getting my socialized medical card so i dont ever have to worry about health care
4. traveled around europe on week-long lavish vacations castle in ireland, 5 star hotel in Scotland, italy, Germany, Monaco mostly for free or low cost using my points (years of points planning and strategy finally became a reality)
5. took 1 whole month off just to go to the beach and "vacation" every day during august
6. this month i renewed my residency card so I can live long term in Europe.
7. took care of all medical tests and sought treatment for my illnesses and preventive tests such as mammograms ect. that i otherwise didnt have access to before.
8. Completely removed any processed foods from my diet, eliminated anything GM0, artificial or natural flavors, and am able to eat farm-to-table on a daily basis from a local co op rather than a supermarket.
9. safety, pace of life -able to afford a house cleaner, slower pace of life, long walks on the beach, romantic trips to the cafe just to people watch, no more safety worries like when I lived in latin America.
10. work less than 25 hours per week


camming took a back seat this year.
There were a lot of bumps in the road with adjusting schedules/ clients/ from moving time zones, errors on websites, lack of traffic, and frustrating issues that were both in my control and beyond my control
I ended the year at only almost exactly $80,000 including all of my income streams.

my goal was at least $100,000

other income sources and projects
-- stock trading amounted to aprox $5,000 in profits
-- other online business brought in around $3,000 in profits with minimal effort
-- started a youtube channel for my husband but wasn't able to monetize it ( seems to be a long term project)

looking forward to 2024

Plan to cam longer shifts and enter what i refer to as "zombie mode" long 6 hour shifts straight without even taking a break. so this way if i cam less days I can still meet my income goals and save more time overall to do things I enjoy.

I dont know if I am dedicated enough and if the camming site is stable enough for me to aim for the $100k just from camming . HOWEVER
as my other income streams grow, i would like to be ambitious and strive for $125,000 .


stock trading--
grow my trading portfolio to $20,000

savings-- grow my savings of $40,000 to $80,000 this year from camming only

start my new business venture with my husband

--continue with my extra income streams ( up to 10k if all goes well)

so long story short
goal should be $125,000 minimum this year

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Thu Jan 04, 2024 9:14 am

I ended last year with about $94,000 of which a bit over 80,000 was sw related ( I also own a house I'm renting out).
Honestly I'm quite happy with that as I moved from the USA to Europe so I didn't work for a month and only part time for several months before that while I prepared for the move.
This year I have a low key goal of 100.000 from all income sources. I also plan to work on some personal growth such as language classes so it might not be feasible.

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