I completed 12 classes and used those to get admitted at WGU (Western Governer's University) and all those classes transferred for college credit. I qualified for financial aid and loans (school is almost free for me - the loans are so I don't have to work a lot of hours while studying but could totally have gotten by without the loans). WGU is all online and self paced and has a good reputation in the tech industry. You can see a lot of tech youtubers got their start there and are earning six figures and more with good benefits.
I'm in the cloud computing program and super excited to finish. I've always loved computers and tech things but had issues with studying due to chronic migraines and undiagnosed ADHD. I've started new meds for both and am in much better health so I'm doing well in college now.
I'll still work the adult industry (mainly domme and clips) because I still think it's an awesome side job and I've built a nice biz for myself so going to continue, but only in the parts I like the most, and will ban without mercy since I'll have another good stable income.