All About Cammodel Lighting

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Mon Jan 30, 2023 12:19 pm

sammii;2478271 wrote:I thought this might be informative, since lighting is really important as a camgirl.

My lighting has always been really yellow/orange because my walls are a cream/yellow color, but I never really bothered to try to fix it ... but recently, it started really bothering me ... I know that a lot of you recommend pink lights, but I read somewhere that blue counteracts yellow really well, so I figured I'd order these lights with a blue-ish tint ... UTF8&psc=1 and I'm hoping it will help me look more natural. Anyways, I don't have any questions, just thought this might be a helpful thread. I'll update how these blue lights work out if anyone is curious. It should be here within the next couple of days.

Anyways, feel free to post any questions/comments/etc about lighting. I know this has been posted about before but it's been awhile.

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Mon Jan 30, 2023 12:20 pm

ava$;2478273 wrote:Redlights get rid of cellulite! just fyi ladies
kortneykay;2478276 wrote:I just use two desk lamps that have twisty necks on them so I can move them in any direction. I find that pointing the lights towards the wall does wonders for me and makes my skin glow. Also, they were only a buck at the dollar store so it's a win win for me :D
sammii;2478286 wrote:^ Ooh, good idea. I need to buy a cheap desk lamp. I wish I could find them that price online, no dollar stores near me. :(
Missbeth;2478288 wrote:Try thrift stores!
maryjaynexo;2478299 wrote:I just got new lighting and I find using 2 daylight bulbs (I think they give off more blue light) along with soft pink work amazingly well. I usually put my two larger lights on the sides, bouncing them off the wall to soften them a little and put the pink one in the center. My lighting looks awesome so I'm scared to move them an inch. I got a lighting +backdrop kit relatively cheap on Amazon (came with bulbs, carrying case, green screen etc).
DoodlebugBites;2478335 wrote:If you are on a Mac you might give iGlasses a try–it really lets you tweak a lot of lighting color balance issues and it doesn't cause any lagging. It's free for a week and $10 for the full program. I can't cam without it!
ukruth;2478415 wrote:I only cam part time and from my lounge , so ive never really bothered with my lighting. I do sometimes switch my cam on and freakout that someone has dumped a little old lady in my lounge, only to realise its me. So i will be reading this thread with interest as i think i really need to sort it out.
Snowy0Star;2478436 wrote:right now all using is the lamp thats part of the ceiling in the bed room where i cam but theres this triangle thing that a lot of other models use you get two floor standing lamps put them behind you on either side and then put a lamp in front of you. i had a bad ass floor lamp that i had to leave in CA after my crazy cousin incident but they were lamps with a bunch of movable heads shaped like flowers they still sell them at target for $20 i wish i had more space to have lamps but things are so jammed packed with me and my boyfriends things .... im actually considering moving out next year and getting a one bedroom set up the bedroom as a cam space and set up the living room as a bedroom (i cant get out of that hotel set up thing after living in them escorting for so many years lol) it wouldn't even look that odd because i prefer couches vs beds and im actually sleeping in the couch every night now.

[ATTACH=CONFIG]33313[/ATTACH] ... u=13828077
ThatBitch;2478674 wrote:Ooooh thanks for that lil tip ;D
beauvoir;2478940 wrote:I have no professional lighting in my room, only a lamp and my actual light bulb. Am I missing out?
cyberstripper;2478945 wrote:I learned a very important tip from a studio I worked for back in the day: For the best lighting, FILL THE ROOM WITH LIGHT, do not point lights directly at you! I have been doing this for years since then...I have a ceiling fan and I put that on with the lights angling in all directions of the room...then I put on a cheap oldskool halogen lamp nearest to where I lights ever directly at me..all of them filling up the room with light. There are never any weird shadows, and it is much easier on the eyes:) I have never experimented with colored bulbs, but it should help alot if you have cream/different colored walls. In a condo I rented, I had beige walls and my lights never seemed to be bright enough.
funismymiddlename;2479289 wrote:the ge reveal bulbs are really good. They look so much better than regular light bulbs I refuse to use the regular white/yellow ones again.
sammii;2479290 wrote:^ The reveal lightbulbs are the ones I bought ... they should be getting here tomorrow. I'm glad you like them so much, makes me feel better about buying them. :)

Ah, a "you know you're a camgirl moment" ... you're actually excited to be getting lightbulbs in the mail. Lol.
astridorbital;2479297 wrote:I just bought this 3 point lighting kit. ( ... 1439.l2649) XD Hasn't come in the mail yet but it seems like a I'm not a nice person good deal.

Maybe a bit excessive, but I figure I should be making professional quality videos if I plan on selling videos.
Snowy0Star;2479354 wrote: ... 1QKUBNSKE4

this is the one i plan on getting much less pricey but i wonder how much urs would make a difference?
DoodlebugBites;2479357 wrote:You're welcome! The most awesome feature is being able to lock the exposure. It helps to have something pure white in the scene (this is true for any cam) to get a good color balance. I hold up a crumpled paper towel, lock it down then do tweaks.
CinnimonKiss;2479591 wrote:daylight bulbs are the best. Most crisp clear lighting from what ive noticed.
RedOdalisque;2479595 wrote:I have a lamp that's like a glowing, rice-paper box (you can get them at Ikea and other economical stores), and it really helps keep me from looking like a scary hag. Toss a pink scarf over that puppy and I go from pasty to angelic!
pink_bunny;2511563 wrote:Ive tossed a pink scarf over different kinds of lamps too in order to achieve that angelic look, though im concerned about the safety angle... lol .
Now, my issue . is.. w/ filtered daylight I look great. but at night time ugh.. shadows in the worst places!! currently I have up one lamp ( w/ 2 bulbs) pointed at walls, and a smaller desk lamp about 10 feet away. Sounds like I am in need of more lighting. I wish I could post a before and after of the difference in lighting. I don't know why, BUT the day light makes my skin, hair, and makeup look like project runway. THEN, at night you can see every blemish, and double chin. I look like a sweaty cryptkeeper with a dark background... * cringes squints and climbs back in coffin*
apryll11;2511758 wrote:I use the crystal clear light blubs, you get a much clearer and brighter light regardless of the watts
CurvyWinona;2591262 wrote:I am browsing around for the lighting equipment to brighten up my cam. Which type of lighting is better - Softbox or Umbrella? Or is there a better lighting on budget you can recommend?
PhatGirlDynomite!!!;2591266 wrote:Haven't tried either. I use floor lamps, but have been thinking about getting an umbrella. I wonder if you can use pink bulbs in an umbrella? Or can the umbrella come in a pink tint?
CurvyWinona;2591267 wrote:Good question!! haha I was looking at the pink bulbs too. :D Hope others can chime in!
IvyRose;2591279 wrote:I use two "little" soft boxes (under 1 meter, I think the boxes itself are around 80cm, they costed around the 150 euro a piece.. well worth the money, best investment for work I made together with pure silicon vixskin toys) they work so GREAT! I use to use normal floorlamps, and it was a pain in the ass.. I purchased my boxes while working for 3 months and I really cant imagine working without them

I would recommend getting two of them so you can place one on each side of youre face/workplace/bed/chair so you wont have high contrast shadows hitting youre face (I dont like that myself, it makes me look way better to have a "softlook")
It makes my feed look so much better, my images is clearer and everything is lighted well (every part of my body, no shadows, also not with toyplay).

Currently I use slighty yellow toned towels on top of the softboxes, covering it up (just draping them over it); it has 4 lamps in each of the box, if I turn on only two of the lamps my feed is less clear because it is just a bit to dark. When I used the 4 of them it makes my skin to shiny and creates white spots on my skin because of it. The towels make the light perfect, I dont have to aim them at the wall anymore to reflect the light and make it less bright... Only thing I have to do right now is to turn them on and I am ready, before I used the towels, I had to reoganise again every time I started up. I used pink coloured towel first, but it doesnt work well with my skincomplexion (I have a lot of pink/red in my skin, the yellow makes me look more toned instead of more reddish)

I cant compared the softboxes with an umbrella never used one. But I choose for softboxes because I worked as an photomodel for several years, and like the outcome of the photos made with the softboxes a lot.

Oh another plusside; it warms youre room up when it is cold, I dont use my heating anymore in my workroom... In the summer it is hellish, but than again, working in heat always is

The boxes I got are these (just googled them)

Falcon Eyes Lamphouder + Softbox 80cm LHD-928FS 9x28W

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Mon Jan 30, 2023 12:24 pm

space_cowgirl;2591283 wrote:I've used both, and I prefer softboxes. I bought mine via Amazon. Make sure to buy a stand as well. :)
Sinistress;2591352 wrote:you can actually just make soft boxes for like 20 bucks or less depending on how many supplies you already have for it. They are really easy. There's a lot of you tube videos showing how.
Charlotteslut;2591377 wrote:I didnt like softboxes. I had issues with them tipping over and the light was way too harsh. Umbrella lights seem softer and are way easier to set up/put away. They are cheaper too generally. ... a+lighting
SarahTime;2591392 wrote:I use an umbrella along as well as a few other lights on those clamp light things. Something to keep in mind, the pointy part of the open umbrella should point AWAY from you, so the light is actually pointing away from you, bouncing off the umbrella and back toward you. Didn't know this until my photographer husband laughed at me for doing it wrong! lol :)
CurvyWinona;2591396 wrote:haha aw that is funny! :) I went ahead and ordered umbrella just now cuz its cheaper than softbox. hope i made a good investment. Thank you all for the comments!!!
CurvyWinona;2591397 wrote:Thanks for the towel tip! :) I will definitely tweak my lights and find what I like!
kittykrane;2591400 wrote:So if I have a black exterior with a silver inside, the silver inside shoud be poiting the other direction and the outside closest to me? backwards essentially?
minniesoporno;2591406 wrote:I have lights that are suppose to have an umbrella meaning I have the lights and not the umbreallas, something about it just doesn't show me well I have 2 of them and I seem to come out grey I tried using a floor lamp as my 3 light but it's not the same type of light in the bulb. I'm hoping next pay I can get the umbrellas for them and see if there is a difference. When I bought them at the time the salesguy didn't tell me I needed the umbrella.

So basically whatever lighting you use it's a lot easier to adjust if they are all the type of light yellow or white, or umbrellas or softbox or floor lamps.
PhatGirlDynomite!!!;2591412 wrote:Are these bright? I can't really tell by reading this specs?®-Dimmable- ... phy+lights
minniesoporno;2591422 wrote:They are but there are different kinds of them some of them with higher wattage. I remember seeing similiars one at a photography convention I wanted them so bad just didn't remember their brand name.
funismymiddlename;2591439 wrote:I make my own sort of soft box. I use a desk lamp with energy efficient lights and I put a piece of white paper in front of the lamp to soften it. It works good for me.
CurvyWinona;2591445 wrote:I googled for DIY softboxes and I am interested. I think I will make some later when I have time for it. :D ... photo-2966 ... g-effects/ ... _Modifiers

My camming room is gonna be clusterfuck with everything. haha
~Carmen~;2591449 wrote:That's what I do. I used to use umbrella lights but they took up too much room in my small space.
JaneBurgess;2591458 wrote:I use one of each when I cam. Amazon usually has some good deals on lights. This set is on sale at a pretty good rate ... phy+lights ... =softboxes
Via Flaminia;2591478 wrote:Thank you all for the advice and links, everyone. I just finished my shift and seriously I have been debating the box vs. the umbrella. My hair frizzes at the top (breakage from stress and age...hahaha don't ask) plus I am pale but I flush easily and I take on that crypt-keeper thing with bright lips, and I know I can do better. :)

Curvy Winona, one of my 3 lights is a rose light...SW recommended a while back in a thread called I think "Lighting...Pink or Magenta" ... ight+bulbs Sylvania tickled pinque 60w "designer's choice" that I bought online based on advice from one of the nice ladies here. One bulb= 18 mos. going strong, I was impressed! I can't use the rose for all of my lights, but 1 of the 3 seems to work well.

I think I'll try umbrella lighting, and thanks to Sarah I know which way is up :D... Thanks guys!
CurvyWinona;2591482 wrote:Yes, I know about rose light and I want to get one, too. :) Maybe for a table lamp close to me. My wall color sucks! Orange-ish and I wanted to re-paint but my hubby doesn't want to. He worked hard to make nice desert theme guest bedroom. haha. Maybe he will change his mind later!
Via Flaminia;2591484 wrote:^ New link but really useful ... ight+bulbs

...sorry for the double post. :)
PhatGirlDynomite!!!;2591492 wrote:Oh yeah I see that my link only has 160 led lights, but there are some with 500. But waaaay more expensive. I think Im gonna get those at least to play around with on my dslr camera.

Right now I use the floor lamps with the pink shades on them of different shades of pink. I have a blue one two on in the room but it makes me look washed out. So I just use that one from a distance. Been meaning to use pink bulbs in my pink lamps. Off to Lowes I guess. :)
Blovely;2591689 wrote:I haven't used a Softbox, I use Umberlla's. I have this fluorescent kit >> ... 100/Detail. It doesn't get hot, make you hot, or shoot the electric bill up to the sky. I wish I would've purchased a different kit because I never ever use the small light. Because its so bright I usually only need to turn on 1 light. I did and still do want to get a Softbox kit just to see which provides the best lighting.
TeenageAnnie;2591703 wrote:i have got 2 softboxes and 2 umbrellas. at first i used them all, 2 at the side 2 in front but at a far away distance and it looked really good but then i moved house and only have a small camspace now, now i use 1 umbrella and tbh i took the umbrella off and just use the really bright light. i put it at a distance quite far away. it has 3 bulbs on 1 head and u can angle them different directions. i found with the umbrella on it wasnt as good a look. i like the softbox a lot but i find it takes up 2 much room and also it was really weird when ppl came around and were like "why is there a softbox?". but the umbrella 1 u can easy take the umbrella and throw it in the cupboard in 1 moment if ppl come around and whats left is a normal looking light on a stick that no1 bats an eyelid at lol. but if u got no probs with ppl coming around and seeing it then i would recommend the softbox as it gives a better look.
CurvyWinona;2592495 wrote:I got my umbrella set today and omg what a difference they make on my cam feed. I had to adjust whiteness. haha. I need to try rose bulb and maybe that will help. I feel more energy with the lamps now, even though I have been up for 18 hours.

Now, I need to figure out how to reduce the clutter of cables. haha
Sunnylexie;2592538 wrote:I used both but I like umbrellas in the diffusor mode (lamp to the wall) better, because direct light blinds me and gives me headaches. The diffusors eat up most light though, so require more powerful bulbs.
Sabihah;2592547 wrote:My softboxes were *way* too bright - there are four bulbs in each of those suckers! And they were totally washing me out. I can only barely wear the lightest shades of makeup in a typical cosmetics aisle, and some brands' lightest offerings are still too dark. Add a little too much light and I become a vaguely-humanoid white blob.

I fixed the issue by buying a few different fabrics off the clearance remnants rack - red, orange, and yellow - and safety-pinning them to the corners of the outer diffusers. A thin red fabric over a slightly thicker beige-orange fabric seems to work best for me.
amanda121;2597778 wrote:I'm having serious issues with lighting. I use 7 lamps, but I'm still not perfectly visible when I stream, specially when I turn directly to the camera, for example in doggy style, my pussy isn't visible, because ass cheeks cover it and I don't use frontal light. The reason is, that if I point the light directly to me, my eyes start to hurt really bad and they become all red so I simply can't work like this! I have a lamp on my desk, but it is not pointed directly to me. Otherwise I use 3 side lamps, and the one on the ceiling. I also stream from only room that I have, so I really don't want to have it filled with studio umbrellas etc. If I try to point the lamp directly to me and put something in between, for example paper, the light is much weaker and uselless, unless if I use stronger bulbs, but than my eyes still hurt me! :( When my grandmother went to the spa, I was camming from her living room, and she also only has 1 ceiling lamp and 2 side lamps, but my stream was muuuch better and more visible, so I'm thinking, does the colour of walls in the room has any impact on this? Because her room is painted light rose and mine is darker red. does anyone knows if I could do something to improve this?

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Mon Jan 30, 2023 12:27 pm

apryll11;2597897 wrote:If you have blind spots, that's lighting placement. Either your lighting source is too high, too low or too bright behind you. If you put a white sheet/ curtains behind you that could help diffuse the light a little better.
minniesoporno;2597976 wrote:I'm currently using this set up. the way it is now the lamp in the back its a just a regular house floor lamp and the two in the front are just reflectorhead lamps with no umbrellas. I keep feeling like I need more light.

I am thinking of changing it up with a different continuous lighting kit I haven't decided which one i am getting I still have to go into the store and see what they look like live. ... -403C.aspx

or ... T-406.aspx
Snowy0Star;2598106 wrote:[ATTACH=CONFIG]36487[/ATTACH]

i did get two of these for camming but i only need one. if i turn on the other one its too bright and i think my lighting is adequate. the heads can turn so you can put them at different angles and stuff its handy and theyre flowers (and colorful) so they look cute too =^y^=. when i move out of this shit hole living room im renting i may have to kick up my lighting set up im think its only working because the space is so small.

o i thought i should mention the heads in the lamp are loaded with those spiral shaped daylight mimicing bulbs so theyre super bright.

when i'm not camming a lot of times i dont turn it on i use my little table lamp with a pink bulb but i do turn that on too... its on a storage bin im using for a comp desk about 18 inches high and about 18 inches away from the table lamp. yeah my space is tiny .... ><
Ava__;2653229 wrote:Hi. I am a little bit new to camming. I have tried messing with different lighting setups, but for some reason, my room always looks dark on cam and it looks like I have terrible lighting on cam. Right now, I am using a 3-light tree lamp with daylight bulbs and a basic standing floor lamp with just a regular yellowish bulb trying to direct all my lighting at all angles around me and the cam. I try to stick to the 3-point lighting system as much as possible, but I am not sure why I can not get my room to look bright enough.

What is your exact setup and what bulbs do you use? I'm sorry to ask to copy people, but I have tried tinkering with my lighting in so many ways. I just can't figure out the issue.

P.S. I am pretty sure it is not my webcam because I use a high-rated cam (Logitech c920) and I have spent hours on end trying to adjust the settings on my webcam too, so I am pretty certain that the issue is me not being able to figure out the best lighting.

Thank you for any help. :3
Procrasturbator;2653234 wrote:I use two clip-on lamps (like this) about six feet in front of me, angled at different heights to eliminate shadows. Then I have a tall floor lamp (like this) about two feet in front of me, which my cam is connected to. I also turn on all of the built-in lighting in my place, which doesn't do much but makes everything a little brighter and provides some more light from the sides. I use 60W daylight/cool-toned incandescent bulbs (IME CFL's don't look right) in all of them--those clip-ons have a max of 40W but aside from them getting hot I haven't had an issue in the 6 months or so I've used those bulbs. Using this set up I've never had any problems aside from occasionally getting the shadow of the lamp/my cam on me at certain angles close up. That could be fixed by changing the placement of the clip-ons but due to the furniture set up at my place it's just more convenient to me to have them up front and the occasional shadow isn't that big of a deal.

If you're really worried about lighting you can always get a professional lighting setup. I lost the link but someone here recommended a decent set for something like $60.
TeenageAnnie;2653235 wrote:I bought a proper photography studio lighting setup but it got in the way. Now I sit with my desk against the window. Like literally. I have a sheer white/cream net curtain up in the window. (Im non nude so I dont mind people seeing me not that they do as it faces a place no1 goes.)

I don't usually cam during night times so the sunlight works for me.

Sometimes when I am still logged in and the suns gone down I will flick on my lamp which is a normal tample lamp with a cream/white shade. the shade defuses the light and makes it nice. I sit it off to one side and its fine. it has a normal energy saving bulb in it. Nothing special.
SophiaSylvan;2653240 wrote:I have a softbox kit from amazon, there are I think 5 bulbs in each, set at about 10 feet away from me on either side (45 degree angle) from my camming bed. I have a very large camming space so my lighting might not apply. I find the light too cool so I have colored gels (pink and orange) I often use. Then I have a spotlight on a tripod set up rather high, about head height standing up. There's a 300 watt incandescent bulb in it, which has a dimmer too. I have a clamp light to use if I get a weird angle and my pussy is in shadow, but I don't have to use it hardly ever. If you have a white room you can bounce some light off the walls so you won't need such bright lights. Also don't forget you can adjust your brightness in the logitech controls. Before I had the softboxes I often used work lights paired with the spotlight and clamp lights have always been my go-to. I used incandescent though I know it can give you a yellowish hue, I'm already olive toned so no big deal. You could try clamp lights in front but to either side of you and one directly by your cam (easy to get at home depot or somewhere) with daylight bulbs in them. Look for the maximum wattage that your light fixture can take safely.
minniesoporno;2653269 wrote:

This might be able to help.

My more or less room set up

then I did a video on my room set up

It's a combination of your lights , the type of camera you have, and how your computer process the video feed based on your setup.



I know it's alot of info in one post, but I took a long time to gather it over the years and perfect it for the room size I have, types of cameras I use and type of lighting I wanted in it.
audritwo;2653275 wrote:I use three point lighting. Rose lighting in the back. Soft on my left and natural on my right.

I'm always experimenting with lighting and what works best. My lighting is constantly changing. Also you need to consider your skin tone, your clothes, wall color, and floor color (dark colors absorb light, light colors reflect light).

Here are some great tips/videos that could help.
The Art of Lighting Dark Skin for Film and HD: ... ilm-and-hd
Lighting Skin Tones:
Three Point Lighting: Learn How to Use the Key, Fill, and Back Lights:
Tigrillo;2653496 wrote:lighting is my bane. So much I've decided to work only during daytime, because at night I can't stop feeling ghoulish. Thanks for all the info, it's fantastic!
CurvyWinona;2707566 wrote:I came across this awesome tutorial for making color lights - ... eady-home/
Snowy0Star;2707751 wrote:that is so cool thanks for sharing i was thinking that if i spray painted regular light bulbs it would make the lamps blow up or start a fire or something because those cans say they're flammable and stuff so it always made me think the heat from the bulbs would start a chemical reaction to the paint with a less then favorable outcome
CurvyWinona;2707753 wrote:I thought the same thing before. haha. Now, I know I am able to do this with right paint. :)
Caz;2816257 wrote:I've been window shopping online for a new lighting kit. I've found some cheaper one that range from $54-78 usd. I think those are fair prices but I know you get what you pay for. Has anyone bought a lighting kit in this range? Did you pay/more less? Any advice welcome :)

:lamp:I'm linking up the ebay kit for $54 :lamp:

Thanks in advance :D
pippapippa;2816266 wrote:I have that exact one. I like it. I'm terrible at setting up my lighting properly but my cam looks much better now than it did before I started using that set up. I look back on old clips I did and notice how terrible my lighting used to be. So it certainly made a difference.
Caz;2816441 wrote:Oh you have this one! Awesome. I wish I could thank you more than once for that. I've seen the same one cost around $70+ so I figured I found a really good deal. Thanks Pippa :)

Nothing beats finding a good deal on something worth buying.
Busygirl;2816447 wrote:I also have this one, but these days i,m really looking for lighting that's inconspicuous. I don't want my office to look like a filming studio if someone enters.
Chellyinparadise;2816449 wrote:I agree. I have that set as well but just dont use it for camming anymore, it takes up too much space and time to set it all up. I only use it when needed for photo shoots. It does work well just inconvenient for me since i cam full time and have to set up and take down every day.

If you have a dedicated room where you can leave it up and the space for it, it is a good kit. Hope this helps.
Via Flaminia;2816571 wrote:I have this one, too. I like it a lot. If you use the FMLE on SM, it will look a little overexposed if it's too close to the camera, but I kind of like that since I'm a MILF and it hides my turkey neck lol.
MsJess;2816671 wrote:I use this one and is fantastic
fair price aswell! link: ... ge_o05_s00
pippapippa;2816785 wrote:^^ FYI that's the same one the OP posted.
SaraLaughs;2816792 wrote:Just poking my head in since it's a relevant thread, and I don't necessarily want to make a new one. OP/mods feel free to call me out if this isn't welcome.

I've been using a 3-light set up (an overhead and 2 LED bulbs) for some time now. The LED bulbs would work fine if there wasn't so much over exposure. I don't get a lot of shadow, but I do get a white glare when I'm up close. The photography umbrella lighting is too big and too much hassle for my cam space, so is there anything I can use to mute the bulbs and 'scatter' the light better? The LED's stay relatively cool, but wrapping a white t-shirt over my lamps doesn't sound like a great idea.

I'm also open to suggestions for other types of lighting that are space-efficient. :)
Tsani;2816798 wrote:You can get softboxes, but they're not any smaller than umbrella lights. Professional lighting is rarely space-efficient. I used to use one of those clip-on desk lamps and tape a piece of white paper over it. You could try getting some of those to save space?
MsJess;2816807 wrote:sorry i click on the image she posted and it redirect me to other stuff :S

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Tue Mar 21, 2023 7:50 pm

Speaking of lighting, my ring lights always crap out on me too soon. Like I have to buy a new one every 8 months, I notice though that the UBS cube thingie(??) that they're plugged into get really hot, my current ring light is already on the fritz (I have a replacement here already) but I switched out the cube thingie to a different one to see if that helps, I have some that are REALLY old and I have no clue what age each one is. But also I have them plugged into an extension cord and the extension cord is old AF and I feel like I heard somewhere recently that extension cords should only be for temporary use, not for something that you always keep plugged in.

Okay have been trying a different cube and it's still heating up a lot. Granted even my newest cube is a few years old at least. Gonna experiment with it plugged directly into the wall next.

aka Genoveve
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Wed Mar 22, 2023 3:12 pm

Genoveve wrote: Tue Mar 21, 2023 7:50 pm Speaking of lighting, my ring lights always crap out on me too soon. Like I have to buy a new one every 8 months, I notice though that the UBS cube thingie(??) that they're plugged into get really hot, my current ring light is already on the fritz (I have a replacement here already) but I switched out the cube thingie to a different one to see if that helps, I have some that are REALLY old and I have no clue what age each one is. But also I have them plugged into an extension cord and the extension cord is old AF and I feel like I heard somewhere recently that extension cords should only be for temporary use, not for something that you always keep plugged in.

Okay have been trying a different cube and it's still heating up a lot. Granted even my newest cube is a few years old at least. Gonna experiment with it plugged directly into the wall next.
@Genoveve What is the USB cube thingie for? Can you drop a link to it?

Currently I'm using light from a window and vanity lights off to the side as a filler. However this only works during the daytime. I'm logging in tonight so I'll have to use my ring lights but I can use them at the lowest settings because I stream with a DSLR camera.

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Wed Mar 22, 2023 5:37 pm

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Wed Mar 22, 2023 5:45 pm

Genoveve wrote: Wed Mar 22, 2023 5:37 pm ^^These things: ... 4BYW&psc=1
Okay! They typically don't have enough power to sustain a ring light. Are you saying that you're plugging your ring light cord into those USB box thingies that are also connected to an extension cord?

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Wed Mar 22, 2023 6:34 pm

^^^Correct, but my ring lights are USB ones.

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Wed Mar 22, 2023 7:46 pm

Genoveve wrote: Wed Mar 22, 2023 6:34 pm ^^^Correct, but my ring lights are USB ones.
Sounds like you've been camming on hopes and prayers? I'm honestly impressed that those usb lights have worked out for this long.

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